The Battles

by Baby Joy Joven

My deep thoughts silently killing me,

Inside is the battle I cannot control,

Pleasing to stop but still remains,

In a pain of sword in reality.

It's too hard to resist,

Screaming in dark, full of shadows.

Then there's a voice whispering in my ears.

I was shaking with fear, with sweat flowing on my body.

It feels like my feet are tied in a chain.

I couldn't do anything but cry out loud.

But then there's light, a glimmer of hope in the endless night.

The spirit becomes stronger, and the shadows retreat.

I rise up and face the battle of my own thoughts,

No longer a prisoner to the pain inside.

I am proud that, above all, I conquer my fear,

Facing the journey with courage and strength.

Learning that life is facing one's own battles.

When you fall, stand up for yourself.

When you get injured, treat it.

Then, life must go on and never stop.

Genre: Confessional Poetry
Theme/s: Overcoming inner battles


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