When I Was With You

by Meriam B. Magdaong

I sat down rethinking of my life; I saw you by the window. You are laughing with your friends as you pass by. You look so happy and free. Your smile reaches your eyes. I always thought my life is dull, and all black and white, but you give color to it. I thought I was always a failure, not until you saw the best in me. Ever since we met, I’ve been so happy, I feel seen and appreciated.

But of course, again, life is not all rainbows and unicorns. We can’t be happy all the time. I was torn between choosing you and the life they chose for me. I couldn’t disobey them. They’ve planned it from the start. They said it was the best for me. I chose them, Afterall, they are my family. I left you hanging, without saying anything.

Years had passed, I saw you again. You are laughing with your friends, but you are not the same as before. You are laughing but you look caged. Your smile doesn’t reach your eyes anymore. When you give colors to my life, I stole away yours. When I reached what I thought was a success, no one could see nor appreciate it. I am not as happy as before, when I was with you.

Genre: Short Fiction Story
Theme/s: Loss and Regret


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