
by Princess Lourince Luz

I've been keeping that
Since last month.
The confession
I never put in front
For you may reject it
Because of someone.
You have your moon
While I'm just a sun
Then suddenly sky's appear
Causing hotness to disappear
I was drowned with thoughts
You never know you caused
I was again defeated by my own
Letting my emotions eat me whole
I'm always afraid to take a step
To try to fight, and ended up to escape
Silence is my safest place
But after a long long duel with myself
I now decided to take a risk
Settled to speak up for myself
To put voice in every words
You may not reciprocate what I feel
But at least, no regrets
'cause I spilled
And yes! I did.

Genre: Unrequited/Confessional Poetry
Theme/s: Unreciprocated Confession


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