Left Behind the Memories of You

 by Cristina Orobia

(Inspired by the story of Carl and Ellie in the movie UP)

In the town of Vernon, there's a guy named Sebastien. He is a college student whose only focus is to achieve academic excellence. He always wears glasses and carries tons of books in his hands. He is sometimes bullied by his classmates for being different from them.

One moment, he's in the library doing his homework when a girl named Luisa enters the room. Luisa is a prim and proper kind of girl. She has an angelic aura, which reflects her character. She is kind, smart, and family-oriented. As Luisa stood on the shelf, Sebastien couldn't help but stare at her. One glance, and he knew to himself that he was falling for her. As time goes by, Sebastien always keeps his eyes on Luisa, hoping that she'll notice him. One day, when Sebastien was in the library, Luisa approached him and said, "Hi, can you please help with the books? I can't reach the one on the top.". Sebastien didn't hesitate to help her, considering his feelings for her. "Here you go," Sebastien said. "I'm Sebastien, btw. I've been seeing you for a while now." From then on, they became close with each other.

As time goes by, they become closer, and Luisa can't help but develop feelings for him. They finished college together and reached their dream. "Luisa, I want you to close your eyes and come with me," Sebastien said as they walked down the shore of the beach with roses arranged in a circle in the sand and lights that made the shore beautifully romantic. "Open your eyes, Luisa," Sebastien said. Luisa opened her tantalizing eyes and stared at the view of the beach decorations that Sebastien had created. "This is beautiful. Thank you!" Luisa said with teary eyes. As she turned around and faced Sebastien, she couldn't help but cover her mouth and feel a shock in her face. "Luisa, I've been waiting for this moment. From the very first time I laid my eyes on you, I knew that you're the one. You melted my cold stone heart, and you make my life as colorful as the rainbow. Back then, my only goal was to achieve every subject in our class with a medal. Little did I know, when you came, all the medals were nothing when I achieved you. So, I am here, kneeling in front of you and asking you the most precious question I've ever asked. "Luisa, will you marry me? "Sebastien asked with determination and love in his eyes. "Oh, Sebastien, I've been waiting for this moment. YES! I will surely marry you! "Luisa said with extreme happiness. Sebastien immediately wore the ring on Luisa's ring finger. They hugged and cherished each other.

Time goes by, and they are finally married. They finally moved into their dream home and decorated every corner of it. They enjoy every single moment together while waiting for God to bless them with children. Luisa always dreams of having children and raising them. After several years of waiting, they still didn't have the blessings they were praying for. Luisa feels negative and stressed over it. She's always quiet and staring out the window. She thinks that she's not enough and doesn't deserve Sebastien because she can't give him a complete family. Sebastien, on the other hand, assures her that it's okay if she can't have children as long as they're always together. But his assurance doesn't impact Luisa. He wants Luisa to come back the way she was before—the happy and lively Luisa. With that, the home that they built became sad and gloomy. As they got older, the inside of the house became dusty. Their surroundings became more grassy. Luisa has been diagnosed with leukemia, making her weak. Sebastien remains strong for himself and for Luisa. A few years had passed, but they didn't receive a child. Sadly, Luisa passed away because of her disease, leaving Sebastien on his own. Sebastien couldn't help but cry himself until dawn. He blames himself for not being a good husband. From then on, he started living by himself with loneliness, thinking of the days that he and Luisa spent together.

Genre: Short Fiction Story
Theme/s: Tragic Romance


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