I am the Room

by Jona Blanquera

I know there’s something wrong with room 309, but I can’t figure out what it is. Why did I go in this gloomy apartment? Curiosity? Oh, curiosity can kill a cat, and I am the cat. It’s creepy, dark, and has eerie feeling. It gives me goosebumps wherever I look in that room, and the worse part is I am in the next door, room 308. When I ask someone who are the previous owner of it, they just look into my eyes and leave. Why? What is the reason why it is always close in the morning and open when the sun goes down.
One time, I came home from work at eleven o’clock at night. I noticed that the room is open. It feels like someone is watching me, and I don’t know if it is in that room. With my curiosity I entered and roam around. Nothing’s special. It’s like an empty room, with a small size bed. I touched it and something is pulling me. I don’t know what’s going on but I feel myself lying down.
Everything sink in. 5 years ago, I am an ordinary high school student who lived in room 309. It’s perfect place for me even though it is just a small room because I have a lot of memories there. However, something unexpected happened when someone entered my room and raped me, that’s the reason why I decided to end my life. I hanged myself in that room with heavy feelings. And now, I realized that I am a ghost who have complicated and can’t move on from the past.

Genre: Short Fiction Story
Theme/s: Unforgiveness


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