Lucid Dream

by Jona Blanquera

In a blurry surrounding
I saw someone standing
Holding a tobacco pipe and champagne
Drinking and smoking.

I know it’s just random guess
But I see no face -
Wait, is that blood stain?
Dirt in his shirt.

I’m scared, really.
It’s standing near at me
I’m looking at his back
When he face me with evil laugh.

It’s an eerie encounter
Should I need to wake up
Or cover my ear
To avoid his scary bluff.

It is walking towards me
Should I run?
I don’t know what to do
So I did the best way I can.

I calmly breathe
And face it with no fear
If it is my death
At least I did my best.

I know it’s just my imagination
Please, wake me up
It is a fictional hallucination
I want to scape in this vivid sight.

I woke up in an empty room
Darkness plunged in the whole scheme
Despite the gloomy home
I know it just a lucid dream.

Genre: Horror
Theme/s: Bravery


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